Why in our society do we treat the homeless like weeds- discarding them like unwanted flowers? A child, like a seed with so much potential, needs to be nourished, cared for and loved. Given the opportunity each will grow, blossom and flourish – bringing forth its individual beauty.
Canadian statistics show that the problem of homelessness is increasing, particularly among our youth. It is a reality which we all have to face and deal with.
Homelessness is one of the continuing issues in our society. Increasing access to affordable housing and the elimination of child poverty are among the many societal problems that lead to homelessness. Homelessness was a problem a century ago; it still is today. We risk losing some of our precious youth if they are to be blown away like seeds on the wind.
- Image Size: 22 ¼” h x 7 ¼” w
- Edition Size: 300